ENZO ZANGAGLIA PRESENTS seriE.WOC : Milt Jackson Sings With The Enrico Intra Group

It's not often I use this blog as platform to promote labels and reissues however here's a guy on a mission who's very worthy of mention the mighty Enzo Zangaglia from Italy. Enzo is about to reissue the tough to find Milt Jackson Sings With The Enrico Intra Group which will be the first in a series of about 10 very rare (and very good!) jazz albums that he's in the process of licensing from the original labels.All of these will be a true labour of love : Enzo's heavyweight vinyls will not be digitally remastered but cleaned up using the analog masters keeping all the merits and “defects” of the original recording and these will be housed in sleeves recreated using original methods and materials (flip back/ paste board/ tip on covers).
Find out more about the man, the music and where to buy it here : http://seriewoc.tumblr.com
Now here's Enzo in his own words:

Unfortunately many of the musical works of the past, for various reasons, may not be more accessible because they are forgotten for many other reasons that from time to time are always different. My job is to restore both sound and image, using methods completely analog. The cover is restored by a specialized laboratory that is involved in restoration of old books and prints. The new cover is constructed taking care of the type of paper used in source and assembled by hand in an old bookbinding where everything is still done as in the 50s and 60s. The inserts pictures in the original version will be restored and added to each reproduced copy. The sound is not remastered, but simply cleaned in an analog manner keeping all the merits and “defects” of the original recording. Then printed on virgin vinyl using old but reliable machines for the press. The same care is given to packaging, covered with dust-proof enclosures in PVC. Everything is MADE IN ITALY, a brand that has always represented excellence of experience, attention to detail, so synonymous with wealth craftsmanship.
It is a play on words, it’s a game, it’s life, it is the desire to find, hear, feel inside,E.WOCate the past in this present so confused and erratic.It’s desire to rediscover, to give value to our “elderly”, to be told their life, their history, which is always exciting genuine, real and unique.
E.WOCate that feeling of unity that led to the birth of the most interesting ensembles of modern art of music.
E.WOC is a project of rediscovery and preservation of the music that has nourished the culture being itself the seed and fruit of culture.
I go around to rediscover what has been lost in the hidden depths of time, that erase everything, find new friends and learn and share with them. Memory is life, hope, future.

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