Major Surgery for Next UK from 1977.
Tenor Saxophone – Don Weller ; Guitar – Jimmy Roche ; Drums – Tony Marsh ; Bass Guitar – Bruce Collcutt
First post for 2013 and the first time out in blogland for this obscure privately pressed Don Weller led session recorded at Virtual Earth in London '77.
Here's a few lines lifted from discogs by ultimathulerecords:
You don't get much quality jazz-rock/fusion from the UK in the mid-late 1970's, as most bands went either too schmaltzy or got too funky, or worse. So this was a surprise. At first I thought maybe Don Weller's sax was a bit too dry, but he cuts it well against the solid rhythm section. Mostly the structure reminds me of German bands of the same era, Morpheus, Munju, Moira, etc. Although there are references to Nucleus and Isotope. A nice one!