Sabu and his Jungle Percussionists for Clarity from 196?.
This is a library(for want of a better word)lp from the UK label Clarity and not a record by Sabu Martinez."The ultimate in high fidelity recordings designed for your listening pleasure" is the header on the rear sleeve followed by a load of technical balls about full frequency,three track ampex recorders and Scotch 3M magnetic tape.Apparently the Sabu in the title is inspired by The Jungle Book but god knows who played on this session.I've researched it as far as possible and only know that price wise it ranges from the fiver I paid for mine some years ago to an eye watering £200 I spotted it for in some chancers list!
Sound wise it's one for the percussion beat heads - the lp seems switches between afro and latin styled percussion work outs plus chants on some.If you like the drums and chants albums from Tito,Mongo et al and you're not too bothered about authenticity you'll enjoy this one.