Harry South Big Band for Mercury UK from 1966. Ian Hamer, Hank Shaw, Les Condon, Greg Bowen (tp), Ian Carr (tp,fl-hrn), Johnny Marshall, Chris Smith, Keith Christie, Gibb Wallace (tb), Roy Willox, Alan Branscombe (as,fl), Ronnie Scott, Dick Morrissey (ts), Bob Efford (ts,fl), Harry Klein (bs), Gordon Beck (p), Phil Bates (b), Phil Seamen (d), Harry South (ldr). Six To One Bar/Lush Life/There And Back/North Of The Soho Border. Ian Hamer, Hank Shaw, Les Condon, Albert Hall (tp), Ian Carr (tp,fl-hrn), Rik Kennedy, Chris Smith, Keith Christie, Bill Geldard (tb), Roy Willox, Alan Branscombe (as,fl), Ronnie Scott, Dick Morrissey (ts), Tubby Hayes (ts,fl), Pete King (bs), Gordon Beck (p), Phil Bates (b), Phil Seamen (d), HarrySouth (ldr). Costa Fortuna/Last Orders/Afterthought/Alone Together. Another first at OIR for this superb Brit Jazz all star session produced,arranged and led by Harry South comprising of six South originals and two standards.Here's the cover notes to shed some light ...