
Showing posts from October, 2010


As you will all know from my previous post Impressed 3 was good to go until Universal pulled the plug on it. Compiled single handedly as a labour of love by Tony Higgins (who had previously put together Impressed 1 & 2 with G.Peterson) this third volume was shelved by Universal and nobody would have been any the wiser ...if Tony hadn't left a comment at my Stan Tracey post mentioning this fact. So I posted up the track listing and Don Rendell's notes courtesy of Tony and got a stack of comments and a lot of interest. So now here's the good news - Tony Higgins has sent me a CDR of Impressed 3 pulled together from his original vinyl and given the go ahead for it to be made available here at Orgy In Rhythm ! Tony has also sent me two collages which he put together to be used for the artwork on the intended release along with a superb set of copius sleeve notes about each featured track and Don Rendell's previously posted intro essay. I have included all of these in the...